Special Notice!
The 2024 Neighborhood Awards Ceremony has been rescheduled!
The City of Jacksonville was awarded the honor of hosting the 50th Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) conference that will be held in May of 2025! The Neighborhood Award Program has been rescheduled to be held as part of this national event. This is an amazing opportunity to nationally showcase the dynamic neighborhood projects that have been completed in Jacksonville.
The Neighborhood Services Office team is finalizing the details to have the awards presented at the upcoming NUSA conference in May 2025. This will be an exciting addition to the conference which will feature workshops, speakers, and tours of local points of interest.
If you are not familiar, Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) is a national, non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations. Created in 1975 to share information and experiences used to build stronger communities, NUSA continues to encourage networking and information-sharing to facilitate the development of partnerships among neighborhood organizations, government, and the private sector for the goal of strengthening every neighborhood.
Please enjoy some moments from our 2023 Neighborhood Awards Program and 30 Years of CPAC's celebration!
2023 Neighborhood Award Program Winners and Celebrating 30 Years of CPACS!
The 2023 Neighborhood Awards program celebrated Jacksonville’s numerous neighborhood organizations and the volunteers that have completed exceptional community-based projects and events in the 2022 calendar year. The award program was designed to recognize the efforts of local groups that emphasize volunteer activities, leadership, partnership building, innovation, and grassroots collaborations. We hope that you will enjoy seeing previous year's winners and it will inspire you to join us next year and share your projects to celebrate all the special, beautiful, charming, and creative features of our awesome city!
In 2023 the award ceremony included a special celebration of 30 years of Citizens Planning Advisory Committees (CPAC’s). Established in 1993, Mayor Ed Austin’s vision to create an ongoing, grassroots public participation program has thrived and grown to over 148 members. Here is the commemorative 30th anniversary CPAC Proclamation.
The honorees for the evening included the 2023 CPAC Chairs. Pictured Left to Right: Dr. Donald Green - North, Joanne Parker Griffin - Southeast, Kim Pryor - Urban Core, Rhonda Boyd - Northwest, Dr. Willie Crosby - Southwest, NOT PICTURED William Messer - Greater Arlington/ Beaches
And the 2023 Neighborhood Award Winners are...
Urban Core CPAC District 1 Winner and Neighborhood of the Year was awarded to Springfield Preservation and Revitalization for their Dog Park Mosaic project!

CPAC District 2 Greater Arlington/ Beaches winner was Old Arlington, Inc. who conducted a boat tour highlighting the history of Arlington.
CPAC District 3 Southeast winner was Villa San Jose who had a neighborhood chili cook off with proceeds going to the Mandarin Food Bank.
CPAC District 4 Southwest winner was Sweetwater Church of Christ which had a community day.
CPAC District 5 Northwest winner was USA Unlimited which held a Summer Safety Community Event.
CPAC District 6 North winner wasSan Mateo Neighborhood, Inc. which completed an Memorial Brick project.
And step-by-Step 4 Help won our first Community Excellence Award for various activities around the city.