City of Jacksonville

Public Affairs Office

Mayoral Correspondence  I  Letters & Proclamations  I  Media Relations
Photography & Videography  I  Social Media  I  Public Records Requests  I  Staff

The City of Jacksonville recognizes the benefits of providing citizens with information about its goals, priorities and activities. With accurate, consistent and relevant information, effective communications practices can lead to widespread public acceptance and engagement. The Public Affairs Office is responsible for overseeing the execution and monitoring of communications efforts by establishing messages and procedures, and utilizing vehicles and mediums that increase public awareness and understanding.

Mayoral Correspondence

Mayor Donna Deegan is committed to bringing the community together in a change for good To achieve this, she seeks to engage citizens in communities throughout Jacksonville to learn more about their needs, interests and priorities. Persons interested in requesting or sharing information with the mayor can write to her at City Hall at St. James, Suite 400, 117 W. Duval St. Jacksonville, FL, 32202, or submit an email to 

Mayoral Letters and Proclamations

Every day in Jacksonville, citizens and local organizations work effortlessly to bring Jacksonville to life through their dedicated service to the community. Ceremonial letters and proclamations from Mayor Donna Deegan may be requested recognizing these efforts and milestones such as anniversaries, observations, community outreach and more. 

Media Relations

Working collaboratively with local and national news media, the Public Affairs Office informs and educates citizens about citywide initiatives and activities. Media relations efforts include distribution of media advisories and news releases alerting media of substantial events, programs and initiatives. If you would like to receive news releases and media advisories from the Public Affairs Office, you may register online to be added to our email list.

Photography & Videography

Photo and video outreach are utilized to provide citizens visual awareness of the many events, programs and initiatives taking place throughout Jacksonville. In addition to public awareness, the photography and videography team work to capture the history, diversity and vibrancy of our city.

Social Media

Through social media, the Public Affairs Office engages citizens directly to share information about citywide activities, programs and campaigns. Citizens are encouraged to follow the City of Jacksonville through a variety of social media platforms utilized by the City to share ideas, concerns and information exchange. 

Check out a full listing of City of Jacksonville social media platforms

Public Records Requests

The City of Jacksonville, its departments and its independent agencies support the Florida 'Government in the Sunshine' laws, designed to provide transparency and openness in government operations. The Florida law on 'Public Records' may be found in its entirety in Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes. For information about public records requests, please visit Public Records Request: Government in the Sunshine.


Here are some ways to request a public record:

  • Call 630-CITY (904-630-2489) to file the request. The requester will be provided a tracking number to allow them to check the status of their request. 
  • File the request using the online system for 630-CITY. The requester will be provided a tracking number to allow them to check the status of their request.
  • Fax the request to (904) 255-4968.

For more information on Public Records Requests, click here.


For public records and document requests, please contact Craig Feiser, Esq., (904)


Contact for interviews and all other media inquiries.

Phil Perry, Chief Communications Officer

Melissa Ross, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Liaison to the Press

Heather Schatz, Assistant Director of Public Affairs

Matt Kingston, Senior Public Communications Officer, Social Media & Video Production
Social Promotion Request Form

Lauren Spencer, Senior Public Communications Officer, Graphic Design & Website Management
Graphic Design Request Form

Linae Parkinson, Public Communications Officer, Executive Communications

Wes Lester, Senior Audio-Visual Production Specialist
Photo/Video Request Form