Jacksonville has a well-earned reputation as the most military and Veteran friendly city in the United States. The city has the largest concentration of military bases in Florida, and the largest population of Veterans in the state. These Veterans have made the decision to make Jacksonville their home. They are our co-workers, PTA members, classmates, little league coaches and church members. The majority of our Veterans are transitioning well back into civilian life; however, there is a significant and growing number of Veterans faced with challenges ranging from getting a job, reestablishing healthy family relationships, accessing earned benefits and the readjustment to a new environment. These Veterans need a one-stop center to welcome each Veteran, surviving spouse, or caregiver with the respect and service they are entitled too.
About the Center
The new Veterans Resource and Reintegration Center is a point of entry for Veterans and transitioning military to get assistance with access to their earned VA benefits, assistance with resume preparation and employment opportunities, emergency financial assistance, transitional housing referrals, and information on other Veteran Services offered throughout the community. The Center is outcome oriented and dedicated to meeting the needs of many, and the issues of one.
The Center is service focused and located within the St. James Building, 117 West Duval Street, Suite 175. This location provides access to public transportation and other social and health related services for the Veterans population.
This Center will be managed by the City of Jacksonville’s
Military Affairs and Veterans Services Department. The Military Affairs and Veterans Services Department is the central provider of Veterans services for access to VA benefits, social services assistance, assistance for clients with disabilities and has experience in providing case management for homeless Veterans. Additionally, MAVD has collaborative agreements with many of the social services providers in Jacksonville
The Center is organized and staffed to facilitate referral services for transitional housing, employment services and access, via the COJ
Jobs for Vets website, with ancillary services that will include career counseling, resume and job preparation assistance, referrals via the website, monitoring and follow-up. Other essential services will include case management, counseling, life skills classes, volunteer opportunities, legal assistance, GI Bill and VA claims assistance, vocational rehabilitation referrals, access to VA healthcare and earned benefit assistance, transportation vouchers, a supply of emergency food rations, clothing (including suits, etc. for job interviews), blankets and work footwear. Additionally, the Center is able to offer limited space for off-site educational and vocational classes/training, and have available space for visiting Veterans Service Organizations and faith-based support services.
How to Contact the Center
Telephone: (904) 255-5550
Fax: (904) 255-5547