LAVATS Program

We have over 22,000 vets in our database with the capability of producing the 42 most used, high quality VA/DOD forms. There are three separate components within LAVATS: counselor, administrative, and receptionist. Also integrated within the program are phone messages, visit notes, tracking phone calls, correspondence, and letter templates. Additionally, there are several different types of reports that LAVATS has the capability to produce (number of clients seen by each VSO, number of VA forms created, number of new clients seen, number of clients by zip code, number of clients by P.O.A., et al.). An additional feature is for electronically submitting forms to the D.V.A. (e-claims). We have submitted over 10,000 of these types of claims.

Obtaining the Program

An original request must come from an authorized governmental or a recognized certified veteran service organization which files claims on the behalf of veterans. This request should be on your letter head. After all of the required copyright agreements have been completed, LAVATS is issued to the requesting organization. Updates are issued upon request from an organization which has been granted the program.

Send your request to:

Veterans Services Department
117 West Duval Street, Suite 175
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Telephone: (904) 255-5550
Facsimile: (904) 255-5547

System Requirements

PC capable of running Windows 98 or higher
100MB of disk space
Office 97 installed to use the spellchecker in the program
LAVATS Program can be installed on a standalone workstation or a network