Jacksonville Stormwater Utility
The costs for improving Jacksonville's drainage system and satisfying federal and state requirements for treating stormwater runoff have increased dramatically. Recognizing these increased demands, the City of Jacksonville created the Jacksonville Stormwater Utility to oversee the projects, programs and services associated with the city's stormwater management system. It is established in Chapter 754 of the Jacksonville Ordinance Code.
The stormwater fee generates the revenue needed to maintain and improve our city's drainage system, and to meet state and federal requirements to protect our natural waterways, including our greatest asset: the St. Johns River.

The StormWater Action Team is working hard in Jacksonville's neighborhoods! Click here to learn more about this innovative new Proactive Maintenance Program.
The Jacksonville Stormwater Utility's Stormwater Management Program received the 2009 "Outstanding Achievement Award" from the Florida Stormwater Association.
Learn more about stormwater:
These organizations offer a wealth of information about the stormwater issues facing the Jacksonville area, Florida and the nation:
About the local stormwater fee:
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