City of Jacksonville


Directory of Services for People with Disabilities

There are numerous public, as well as private nonprofit, organizations that provide services to people with disabilities. When you locate the appropriate agency/service, the following suggestions may help you save time, and spare you frustration.


A. Be sure you have contacted the proper agency.


1. If you do not understand the receptionist, ask her/him to repeat the name of the agency/organization.
2. Be sure the agency contacted can/will serve the individual(s) with a particular disability.
3. Most agencies (public and private) have specific eligibility criteria. Find out what they are. If that particular agency cannot help, ask if they can refer you to an appropriate agency or contact person.


B. Record all the information you gather.

1. Name of agency and the name of the person you spoke with.
2. Date you made contact.
3. The agency's recommendation for action.


C. Ask if the agency requires you to submit specific documents, such as:


1. Birth certificate.
2. Social Security Card.
3. Medical information.
4. Other.


D. Be patient, be pleasant, but be persistent.


** REMEMBER, If you are unable to make contact, or get results from an agency, contact the Disabled Services Division at 630-4940 (voice) or 630-4933 (TDD). We provide networking and advocacy services.