City of Jacksonville


Kids Hope Alliance Rebuild

August 03, 2023
ITD rebuilt and rebranded the website.

Drone Footage

August 02, 2023
Since incorporating drone technology into ITD, we have been able to provide a high level of aerial photography and video to departments throughout the city

Mobility Fee Calculator

August 01, 2023
The Concurrency and Mobility Management System Office (CMMSO) for COJ was established as the result of the 1985 Growth Management Act by the State of Florida legislature. Mobility is considered new development, or increased intensity of use that places demand on public infrastructure. 

Recycling Awareness & Education Software Implementation

August 01, 2023
This project implemented 3 products: Waste Wizard, Collection Calendar, and a Mobile App, for Public Works Solid Waste Division.

Clerk of the Circuit Court Website Rebuild

August 01, 2023
ITD redesigned and rebuilt the Clerk of Courts existing website. The site was rebuilt in the latest version of the City’s content management software. 

The Excessive Heat Task Force unveils new plan to respond to extreme heat in the community.

July 31, 2023
The Excessive Heat Task Force, led by Mayor Deegan, Chief Health Officer Dr. Sunil Joshi, city agencies, and Community partners, has developed a plan to respond in the event of extreme heat in Jacksonville.  

Animal Care and Protective Services is at Critical Capacity

July 24, 2023

Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS) urgently needs dog adopters and fosters. The shelter is at critical capacity. 

Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business Vendor Spotlight

July 17, 2023

Meet Gene Carter, owner of GEC Trucking & Construction, Inc.! Please read about his business and experience in the Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business Program (JSEB).  


Mayor Deegan Presents 2023-2024 Budget to City Council

July 17, 2023

Today, Mayor Donna Deegan presented her proposed 2023-2024 City of Jacksonville budget at a special meeting of the Jacksonville City Council. Pending City Council approval, the budget will take effect Oct. 1

Construction Begins at Riverfront Plaza

July 10, 2023

Construction crews will begin work today to transform Riverfront Plaza into a centerpiece park with such features as a café with a destination playground on the roof.

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