City of Jacksonville


City Offices and Facilities Closed for New Year’s Holiday

December 30, 2021
In observance of the New Year’s holiday, the following City government offices and facilities will be closed on Friday, Dec. 31.

City Offices and Facilities Closed for Christmas

December 23, 2021
In observance of Christmas, the following City government offices and facilities will be closed Friday, Dec. 24 and Monday, Dec. 27.

City Announces Relocation of COVID-19 Antibody Treatment Site

November 24, 2021
The State of Florida, in partnership with the City of Jacksonville, will be relocating the Regeneron Antibody Treatment from the Main Library to the Joseph Lee Center (5120 Perry St. – 32208) on Friday, December 10. The hours of operation will remain unchanged (Monday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

City Offices and Facilities Closed for Thanksgiving

November 22, 2021
In observance of Thanksgiving, the following City government offices and facilities will be closed Thursday, Nov. 25, and Friday, Nov. 26.

City of Jacksonville Earns National Award for Proficiency of Budget Presentation

November 18, 2021
The City of Jacksonville continues to earn recognition for its strong fiscal presentation and management by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The GFOA has awarded the City with a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 2020 fiscal year, for the commitment of the governing body and staff in meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.

City of Jacksonville Lights the River with Annual Light Boat Parade

November 16, 2021
The City of Jacksonville will light up the St. Johns River with the annual Jacksonville Light Boat Parade on Nov. 27, 2021. The parade will feature boat vessels of all sizes beginning at 6 p.m. and will wrap up with one of the best fireworks show of the year featuring “waterfalls” off the Main Street and Acosta Bridge. In addition to activities on the river, The 904 Pop Up will be curating Jacksonville's largest Small Business Saturday featuring over 200 local creatives, makers, artists, and more.

City Offices and Facilities Closed for Veterans Day

November 10, 2021

In observance of Veterans Day, the following City government offices and facilities will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021

The City of Jacksonville Honors Veterans at the Annual Veterans Day Parade

November 09, 2021
The City of Jacksonville invites residents and visitors to pay tribute to our military, past and present, at the annual Veterans Day Parade presented by The Law Offices of Ron Sholes, P.A. The parade will be held on Veterans Day, Thursday, Nov. 11 beginning at the corner of N. Jefferson Street and Water Street. Step off will be at 11:01 a.m.

Rachel Zimmer Promoted to Director of Intergovernmental Affairs

November 08, 2021
Mayor Lenny Curry and incoming Chief of Staff, Leeann Krieg, announce the promotion of Rachel Zimmer to Director of Intergovernmental Affairs.

End of Daylight Saving Means Potential Savings for Residents

November 06, 2021

The City of Jacksonville’s Environmental Quality Division reminds Duval County residents that the end of Daylight-Saving Time also means it’s time to reset the timer on irrigation controllers. Lawn and landscape irrigation often accounts for more than half of residential water use. Plants and grass need much less water in cooler months, which provides an excellent opportunity to reduce water use outdoors and save money.

City Offers COVID-19 Booster Shots

November 04, 2021

On Thursday, the City of Jacksonville, in partnership with Agape Family Health and the Duval Department of Health, announced additional COVID-19 vaccination services at four City funded locations.

CANCELLED - City of Jacksonville, Keep Jacksonville Beautiful to Hold Beach Cleanup for Endangered Right Whales

November 03, 2021
Due to inclement weather, the Right Whale Cleanup on Saturday has been cancelled. Thank you.

The City of Jacksonville and Keep Jacksonville Beautiful will host the 13th annual Right Whale Beach Cleanup Saturday, Nov. 6 from 8 to 10 a.m.

Chief of Staff, Jordan Elsbury, Set to Exit City of Jacksonville

November 02, 2021
After nearly seven years of service to the City of Jacksonville, Chief of Staff, Jordan Elsbury, is set to exit Mayor Lenny Curry’s administration.

City of Jacksonville Downtown Investment Authority Receives Statewide Recognition for Riverplace Boulevard Complete Street Project

October 29, 2021
The City’s Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) was recently honored with the Capital Project/Infrastructure award for its project, Riverplace Boulevard Complete Street, in the 2021 Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA) Awards. The FRA Awards are presented each year at the association’s annual conference and recognize outstanding achievement in a variety of categories, from annual reports to cultural enhancement.
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