City of Jacksonville


Mayor Encourages Community to Utilize City's Emergency Assistance Program

September 22, 2022
Many of our most vulnerable citizens are facing financial difficulties. Many are having to pick and choose between paying rent, mortgage, phone and electric bills, or buying crucial staples like food. Mayor Curry wants to remind the community that the City of Jacksonville’s Emergency Assistance Program is available to qualified Duval County residents in need. Please see below to determine if you qualify.

Georgia-Florida Hall of Fame to Induct Four Greats

September 15, 2022
Bailey, Burton, Caldwell, and Little to be honored at October 28 Luncheon

Volunteers Needed for the 2022 International Coastal Cleanup

September 06, 2022
The City of Jacksonville’s Keep Jacksonville Beautiful Commission invites residents to join one of the world’s largest water protection efforts by contributing to the 2022 International Coastal Cleanup. 

ACPS Announces Appointment-Based Approach for Animal Intake

August 12, 2022
As we have previously reported, Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS) continues to experience overcrowding in the animal shelter. This level of overcrowding exceeds the shelter’s capacity for care and must be addressed to improve conditions for the animals, as well as the staff and volunteers working tirelessly to care for them. That’s why beginning Tuesday, August 16, ACPS will temporarily require appointments for the intake of all animals in non-emergency situations. In response to nationwide overcrowding, this move is recommended and supported by the National Animal Care and Control Association, and is being implemented in shelters across the country.

City of Jacksonville's Parks Department Announces Change in Hours of Operation

August 04, 2022

As the start of the school year approaches, the City of Jacksonville’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) is announcing the end of weekday swimming at pools located at DCPS schools.

City of Jacksonville's Animal Care & Protective Services is at Critical Capacity

August 04, 2022

Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS) urgently needs dog adopters and fosters. The shelter is at critical capacity.

City of Jacksonville Launches Interactive Webmap for the On-Street Bikeways and Shared-Use Paths Network

July 14, 2022
The Transportation Planning Division of the Planning and Development Department has launched the On-Street Bikeways and Shared-Use Paths (Trails) Network Tool, an interactive webmap allowing the public to identify the most direct and comfortable facilities to travel by bicycle (or by foot along shared-use paths or “trails”) to reach schools, employment centers, retail areas, and other essential destinations throughout Jacksonville.

The Ethics Commission Needs You: Now Accepting Applications

July 08, 2022
The City of Jacksonville Ethics Commission is currently accepting applications for a vacancy on the Ethics Commission.

Mayor Lenny Curry and Inaugural Trustees Launch the Jacksonville Community Land Trust

July 07, 2022
On Thursday, Mayor Lenny Curry launched the Jacksonville Community Land Trust (JCLT). The community land trust will help neighborhoods resist gentrification, provide community members with a meaningful voice in development and enable low and moderate-income households to build generational wealth.

Stars, Stripes and Safety: Keeping Pets Safe During July 4th Celebrations

July 03, 2022
Independence Day is a holiday characterized by warm weather, barbecues and fireworks. For many people, it is a time to celebrate with family and friends – including the furry ones. But the holiday can also be dangerous and frightening for pets, especially the fireworks. Loud firework displays may cause pets to become frightened or disoriented, sometimes leading them to panic and even escape their yards and homes. This can result in a surge in the number of animals picked up or brought in to shelters by residents who find them.

Stay Cool and Celebrate Independence Day at a City Pool or Splash Pad

July 01, 2022
Independence Day is a time to celebrate with family and friends. It is also a holiday weekend characterized by summer heat! The City of Jacksonville Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) is excited to offer ways in every part of town to cool off this holiday weekend.

City Offices and Facilities Closed for Independence Day

July 01, 2022
In observance of the Fourth of July, the following City government offices and facilities will be closed on Monday, July 4, 2022.

Bethune-Cookman University vs Jackson State University 2022 Football Game to be Played at TIAA Bank Field in Jacksonville

June 28, 2022
The City of Jacksonville and Bethune-Cookman University announced today that Bethune-Cookman University’s 2022 home football game vs Jackson State University on Saturday, October 15 is moving from Daytona Stadium to TIAA Bank Field in Jacksonville as the Wildcats welcome Deion Sanders and the Tigers of Jackson State University.

Keep Jacksonville Beautiful Awards Nominations Deadline Extended

June 23, 2022
Commission encourages nominations for awards showcasing beautification efforts
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