City of Jacksonville


Jacksonville Credit Ratings Upgraded Based on Strong Finances and Growing Economy

May 12, 2022
City leaders received positive news with upgrades by Moody’s Investors Service to the credit ratings on much of its outstanding debt.

Safety and Crime Reduction Commission Hosting Unity Day for Mental Health Care

May 10, 2022

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Millions in the U.S. are affected by mental illness each year. The Safety and Crime Reduction Commission (SCRC), in partnership with the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA), continues to work to end the stigma surrounding mental health care and provide helpful resources. Join commissioners at the next Community Bus Tour: Unity Day for Mental Health on May 21 from noon – 2 p.m. at Philippian Community Church, 7578 New Kings Rd.

City of Jacksonville's Animal Care and Protective Services Is At Critical Capacity

May 04, 2022

City asks for help clearing the shelter

City of Jacksonville Introduces Mobile Parking Payments Downtown with ParkMobile Partnership

April 25, 2022
The City of Jacksonville is launching a contactless payment option for on-street parking in Downtown Jacksonville via ParkMobile. ParkMobile makes paying for parking an easier and more convenient experience, allowing users to pay for and monitor parking sessions on-the-go. The new payment option will go live today and will be available on metered parking spaces where ParkMobile decals have been deployed. The Office of Public Parking will continue installing decals throughout the week and once complete, ParkMobile will be available for all 1,420 metered parking spaces Downtown.

First Lady Molly Curry Unveils Educational Art Legacy Project

April 12, 2022
 On Tuesday, First Lady Molly Curry launched a community education campaign and unveiled a survivor-inspired mosaic and mural art installation located at Rethreaded’s Delores Barr Weaver Campus of Hope. 

Baldwin Rail Trail Construction Update

April 07, 2022
The City of Jacksonville’s Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department (JaxParks) is working on repairing the Jacksonville Baldwin Rail Trail located at 850 N. Center Street, Jax, FL 32234 in order to make sure that the trail is safe. The project began February 14, 2022 and is ongoing with an estimated completion by the end spring. The City’s Parks Department and contractors have some use concerns. Bicyclists are riding through construction zones around heavy equipment and not obeying signage. This is interfering with the project. We ask that you respect the posted signage and review the website for updates. The project is to improve the quality of the trail for everyone to enjoy.

REMINDER: City Resumes Curbside Recycling Collection

April 04, 2022
Curbside recycling will resume Monday, April 4, 2022. For additional information about residential waste collection, please see the below FAQs or call (904) 630-2489 (CITY).

The Inaugural 7 Creeks Fest: A Celebration of the Parks is Saturday, April 2

April 01, 2022
Park partners and nonprofits will host the event that will feature nature activities, exhibits, live music and more in the 7 Creeks Recreation Area

Join Us in Honoring Jacksonville's Fallen Heroes at May 30th Memorial Day Observance

March 23, 2022
The City of Jacksonville will be hosting Memorial Day Observance on May 30th.  Pre-ceremony music by the Navy Band SE will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the ceremony will commence at 8:30 a.m. The Observance should conclude by 10:00 a.m. 

Safety and Crime Reduction Commission Going Door-to-Door to Discuss Mental Health Care

March 16, 2022

Another opportunity to connect residents with resources and services to help end the stigma surrounding mental health care. The Jacksonville City Council Safety and Crime Reduction Commission (SCRC), a citizen-led group, will host its next Community Bus Tour, in partnership with the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA), on March 26 from noon – 2 p.m.

Time for Duval County Residents to Change Lawn Irrigation Schedule

March 10, 2022
The City of Jacksonville Environmental Quality Division reminds Duval County residents that as they set their clocks forward one hour on Sunday, March 13th for Daylight Savings Time, they may once again set lawn and landscape irrigation to no more than two days per week. Designed to conserve Jacksonville’s water supply and reduce the amount of nutrients flowing into the St. Johns River, Chapter 366 of the City’s Ordinance Code limits watering to two days a week during Daylight Savings Time

KHA and Jacksonville Public Education Fund Announce Read Jax Launch

March 09, 2022
Celebrate Reading Week: March 21-25, 2022

City Resumes Curbside Recycling Collection

March 09, 2022
Curbside recycling will resume Monday, April 4, 2022. All fifteen recycling drop-off sites will close Thursday, March 31. For additional information about residential waste collection, please see the attached FAQs or call (904) 630-2489 (CITY).

Volunteers Needed for the 27th Annual St. Johns River Celebration

March 08, 2022

Volunteers are needed for the 27th Annual St. Johns River Celebration, Saturday, March 19, from 8 a.m. to noon (times vary according to cleanup site). Participants will help spruce up the city by collecting litter and debris from dozens of pre-selected riverfront and inland sites (sites are listed below). The City and Keep Jacksonville Beautiful are hosting the event in partnership with Florida Inland Navigation District and Surfing’s Evolution & Preservation Foundation as part of the Florida Great American Cleanup, a statewide effort to protect the environment throughout the spring. 

Jacksonville Jazz Festival Returns to Memorial Day Weekend

March 03, 2022
Headliners include Herbie Hancock and George Benson. Premium experience on sale March 4.
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