
National Crime Victims' Rights Week Annual Awards Luncheon
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
12 p.m. (noon)
Jacksonville Downtown Main Library
303 North Laura Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
VAAC National Crime Victim's Rights Week Award Nominations
NOMINATION DEADLINE: March 14, 2024 5:00 P.M.
The Mayor’s Victim Assistance Advisory Council (VAAC) will sponsor the annual observation of National Victims’ Rights Week in Jacksonville, FL. Individuals and organizations that have demonstrated outstanding achievements above and beyond their daily responsibilities on behalf of crime victims and victims’ rights will be recognized. The Mayor’s VAAC will present victims’ rights awards in the following categories:
- COURAGEOUS VICTIM – A victim of crime who has shown the courage to speak out and make a difference regarding fair treatment of victims in the criminal justice system and in our community.
- OUTSTANDING VICTIM ADVOCATE – A person or organization that has demonstrated excellence, compassion, and dedication in working for the welfare of victims, improvement of victims’ services, and protection of victims’ rights.
- JUDICIAL VICTIM ADVOCATE – An individual (prosecutor, judge, or other judicial professional) who has demonstrated sensitivity and responsiveness to victims’ rights.
- LAW ENFORCEMENT VICTIM ADVOCATE – An individual (police officer, correctional officer or other professional) who has demonstrated sensitivity and responsiveness to victims’ rights.
- MEDIA – An individual, corporation or organization that has demonstrated respect for the dignity of victims of crime and sensitivity to victim issues.
A VAAC Selection Committee will choose the winner in each category. Winners will be honored at the Annual Awards Luncheon during Victims’ Rights Week. Persons submitting nominations may be contacted for additional information and/or to present the awards.
Submission Requirements:
Please submit a nomination form for the most outstanding candidate of your choice in one category on the official nomination form. You may nominate more than one person. However, please complete a separate nomination form for each person. Your Nominee can be a paid professional, a volunteer, or an organization.
Include at least two (2) of the following general areas of consideration in your nomination:
- Uniqueness of Contribution
- Impact of Service on/in the Community
- Amount of Time Spent on this Achievement
Download the VAAC National Crime Victim's Rights Week Award Nomination Form
VAAC Survivor Scholarship
APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 14,2024 5:00 P.M.
Survivors of crime often struggle to rebuild their lives and regain a sense of dignity after the victimization. This scholarship is designed to recognize and assist individuals in achieving self-efficacy by furthering their goal of achieving an education. The Survivor Scholarship is funded by proceeds from the annual Victims Rights’ Luncheon and is awarded to a resident of Jacksonville, Florida who has been impacted by crime.
This scholarship provides financial support and encouragement to an individual who is
either a primary or secondary survivor of a violent crime (including, but not limited to, homicide, aggravated assault/battery, sexual violence, domestic/dating violence, and stalking) or family member of a missing person.
Other criteria include:
- Current Duval County resident
- Victimization or missing status must have occurred in Jacksonville, Florida (DuvalCounty)
- Currently accepted or enrolled in a college/university or career school withsatisfactory achievement (in good standing)
The scholarships can be used for tuition assistance, room and board support, books and supplies at accredited two and four-year colleges and universities and recognized career (trade, technical or vocational) schools. The funds will be dispersed directly to the educational institution for the next term.
The Scholarship recipient will be acknowledged during the Victims’ Rights Week Luncheon.

Download the VAAC Survivor Scholarship Application Form