City of Jacksonville


Emergency Assistance Program

Limited, temporary financial assistance is also provided by:

Catholic Charities Bureau
Phone: (904) 354-3416

Downtown Ecumenical Services Council (DESC)
Phone: (904) 358-7955

Jewish Family and Community Services
Phone: (904) 448-1933

Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry (BEAM)
Phone: (904) 241-2326 (241-BEAM)

State of Florida-Department of Children and Families (DCF)
TANF (see blue pages phone book for locations/phone numbers or Access Florida)
Food Stamps and Medicaid (see blue pages or Access Florida)
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Phone: (904) 630-3290 (information)

Wheelchair/stretcher transportation is also provided by:

Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) Connexion
Phone: (904) 265-6999 (for application-419-0242)

Assisted Living Facility (ALF) placement is also provided by:
LINK (for homeless persons with mental illness)
Phone: (904) 358-2411
State of Florida Department of Children and Families/Adult Services
Phone: (904) 723-5730

Wintertime heating assistance is also provided by:

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Northeast Florida Community Action Agency
Phone: (904) 398-7472
Urban Jacksonville, Inc./Community Care for the Elderly
Phone: (904) 807-1203

Case Management/financial assistance - HIV/AIDS is also provided by:

Lutheran Social Services/AIDS Care and Education (ACE)
Phone: (904) 448-5995
St. John's Horizon House
Phone: (904) 353-8990

Metropolitan Jacksonville Area HIV Health Services Planning Council