City of Jacksonville

City Council Committees, Boards, and Commissions

The Standing Committees of the Jacksonville City Council meet the first and third week of each month in the Council Chamber, 1st Floor, City Hall at St. James, 117 W. Duval St.  The Special Committees, Boards and Commissions meet as noticed.

Council Committee Roster - Dated 07/16/2024
2024-2025 Council Year Meeting Schedule - Dated 06/26/2024
2024-2025 Council Agenda and Council Meeting Notification -  Dated 06/26/2024
2024-2025 Standing Committee Meeting Dates and Times -  Dated 06/26/2024

Standing Committees

Finance Committee
Land Use & Zoning Committee 
Neighborhoods, Community Services, Public Health & Safety Committee
Rules Committee
Transportation, Energy & Utilities Committee

Special Committees

Personnel Committee
Special Committee of the City Council to Review JSO Primary Facilities
 Special Committee of the City Council on Homelessness and Affordable Housing
JSEB Special Committee
Special Committee on the Future of Downtown
Special Committee on the Community Benefits Agreement


Council Workshops on Stadium Renovations

Prior Special Committees

Assessing the City's Building and Development Permitting Processes Special Committee
Critical Quality of Life Issues Special Committee 
Downtown Development Special Committee
Parks and Quality Life Special Committee
Permitting Special Committee
Redistricting Special Committee 
Special Investigatory Committee on JEA Matters

Council Boards & Commissions

Duval County Election Advisory Panel
Jacksonville Waterways Commission 
TRUE Commission
Value Adjustment Board

Ordinance 2018-536-E established the Duval County Tourist Development Council as an independent office. For meeting information and records regarding this board please visit the TDC homepage at: Duval County Tourist Development Council

For a complete list of the Advisory Boards of the City of Jacksonville click City Boards.
To apply for a City Council appointment, click City Council Appointments.

Past Special & Ad Hoc Committees

For information on special committees that have reached their sunset date please contact Legislative Services at (904) 255-5122.

Special Assignments

Chaplain - Ken Amaro
Floor Leader - Michael Boylan

Ex-Officio Members/Liaisons

The Council President has selected the following Council Members to serve as liaisons between the City Council and various governmental entities in order to maintain effective communication and provide the best possible service to the public.

  • Cultural Council - Jimmy Peluso
  • Downtown Development Review Board -  Chris Miller
  • Downtown Investment Authority - Raul Arias, Reggie Gaffney, Jr. (Alternate)
  • Downtown Vision, Inc. - Raul Arias
  • Duval County Tourist Development Council - Randy White (Chair), Kevin carrico, Ron Salem 
  • Election Canvassing Board - Michael Boylan, Reggie gaffney, Jr. (Alternate)
  • Florida Association of Counties -  Ju' Coby Pittman, Raul Arias 
  • Florida League of Cities - Terrance Freeman, Kevin Carrico,
  • Group Health Benefits Special Committee - Ron Salem
  • Inspector General Selection & Retention Committee - Randy White
  • Jacksonville Aviation Authority - Randy White
  • Jacksonville Fire Museum Advisory Board - Will Lahnen
  • Jacksonville Housing Authority - Jimmy Peluso
  • Jacksonville Housing & Community Development Commission - Reggie Gaffney, Jr.
  • Jacksonville Housing Finance Authority - Nick Howland
  • Jacksonville Port Authority - Chris Miller
  • Jacksonville Sheriff's Office - Nick Howland
  • Jacksonville Transportation Authority - Rahman Johnson
  • JEA - Michael Boylan
  • James Weldon Johnson Park - Jimmy Peluso
  • Joint Planning Committee - Randy White
  • Firewatch - Rory Diamond
  • Juvenile Justice Advisory Board - Ken Amaro
  • Keep Jacksonville Beautiful - Tyrona Clark-Murray
  • Kids Hope Alliance - Terrance Freeman
  • Library Board of Trustees -  Rahman Johnson
  • Mayor's Council on Fitness & Well-Being - Raul Arias
  • Military/Veterans Affairs -  Chris Miller 
  • NE Florida Regional Council - Mike Gay, Ken Amaro
  • Office of Economic Development - Will Lahnen
  • Opioid & Substance Use Disorder Grants Committee - Ron Salem
  • Police & Fire Pension Board of Trustees - Nick Howland
  • Post-Employment Appeals Committee - Michael Boylan
  • Public Service Grant Council - Will Lahnen
  • Safety & Crime Reduction Commission - Nick Howland
  • School Board - Tyrona Clark-Murray
  • Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning Council - Randy White
  • Sister Cities - Ju'Coby Pittman
  • Transportation Planning Org. - Randy White, Ju' Coby Pittman, Mike Gay
  • Tree Commission - Chris Miller
  • Zoological Society -  Mike Gay, Ken Amaro (Alternate) 
  • JSEB Monitoring Committee - Terrance Freeman
  • Homelessness Initiatives Commission - Jimmy Peluso