June 27, 2009 - Jake M. Goldbold City Hall Annex Building Dedication
On Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 11:30 a.m., the Jake M. Godbold City Hall Annex was formally dedicated with a ceremony held in front of the building at 407 N. Laura Street. Jake was the second Mayor of the Consolidated City of Jacksonville from 1979 to 1987. He served as a City Council Member from 1967 to 1978. He was known as the 'Peoples' Mayor' and through his leadership, downtown development soared and thus began the billion dollar decade.

Front entrance to Jake M. Godbold City Hall Annex Building.

Jake and wife Jean at dedication ceremony in front of the plaque dedicating the City Hall Annex Building to Jake.

Jake Godbold's family on front row, son Ben with Grandaughters Morgan and Matilda, along with many other family and friends. To the right on the front row, Barbara Jaffe, Trustee for the Police and Fire Pension Fund.

Godbold spoke to a crowd of family and friends including Mayor John Peyton, City Council Members, former City officials, Sheriff Rutherford, Police Officers, Firefighters, Police and Fire Pension Trustees, Police and Fire Pension Advisory Committee Members, and members of the 'MOB'.

Jacksonville Fire/Rescue ladder truck present at dedication ceremony.

Many friends attending building dedication for Jake including Retired Fire Chief Gary Keys and wife, Beverly (center of photo).

Sam Mousa (standing) and others also in attendance.

Also in attendance, (L-R) Sheriff John Rutherford, former Sheriff Nat Glover, and Police and Fire Pension Fund Trustee Bobby Deal.