City of Jacksonville


Responsibilities of the Department Ethics Officer

Specific responsibilites assigned to the department ethics officer include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Conduct periodic meetings with the department director, senior management, and employee groups to discuss or provide advice on ethics issues.

2. Conduct a review of and disseminate within his/her department the appropriate city and department policies and regulations that relate to the Code of Ethics for employees.

3. Assist the city Ethics Officer(s) in the formulation of ethics awareness training sessions, conferences, and seminars that are developed for and presented to department employees.

4. Assist the department head in the develpment of an overall internal ethics plan.

5. Report compliance with the ethics code to the city Ethics Officer(s).

6. Make recommendations for improvement in training to the city Ethics Officer.

7. Accomplish such other duties as are delegated by the city Ethics Officer(s), including conducting investigations or complaints as authorized by the city Ethics Officer(s).