City of Jacksonville

Case Management Intake Form
Please fill out the online form below. You may also print a form to mail or turn in here

Information About Case Handling

Non-payment Complaints - (Example) Vendor to Sub, Sub to Sub, Prime to Sub, and Using Agency to Prime research the following:
Intake Process
  1. Notify all parties involved in complaint.
  2. Verify that the vendor is operating in the scope of the work, in compliance with contract.
  3. Contact all parties involved to discuss issues to proceed with mediation.
Non-Compliance Complaints - (Example) Vendor to Sub, Sub to Sub, Prime to Sub, and Using Agency to Prime research the following:
  1. Notify all parties involved in complaint.
  2. Verify that the vendor is operating in the scope of the work, in compliance with contract. 
  3. Contact all parties involved to discuss issues to proceed with mediation.
Mediation Process:
  1. Mediation attendance must be confirmed.
  2. Thorough knowledge and completed case review must be done.
  3. Attendees sign in and identification is checked.
  4. Confidentiality statement is signed by all attendees and placed into case file.
  5. Safety measure completed
  6. Introduction
  7. Mediation
The Recommendation Process:
  1. Debarment (Procurement Code Sec. 126.201 (l)
  2. Non-Responsive (Procurement Code Sec. 126.201 (e)
  3. Probation  (Procurement Code Sec. 126.201
  4. Plan of Action submitted by contractor: follow-up within applicable time.