City of Jacksonville


Duval County Tourist Development Council
Special Event Grant Application

Please submit your completed application electronically with all attachments saved to separate files to Carol Brock, TDC Executive Director ( and Brett Nolan, TDC Administrator ( no later than 30 days prior to TDC board meeting.
A special event grant is a TDC grant awarded to an entity hosting an event in Duval County that is open to the public where a large number of tourists are brought together to participate in an event of limited and fixed duration, generally no more than seven days and not part of a regular series or not occurring more frequently than once a year. Section 125.0104, Florida Statues, defines tourist as a person who participates in trade or recreation activities outside the county of his or her permanent residence or who rents or leases transient accommodations. For the purposes of the grant, the term tourists refers to visitors from outside of Duval County. Applicants cannot be a department within the City of Jacksonville nor currently receiving operational funding from the City of Jacksonville.
Examples of special events include one-time or annual sporting events, concerts, festivals, air or water events, motorized events, large congresses, trade or fashion shows, art events or displays, exhibitions, or the like that are open to the public. Special events do not include invitation only events, private events, member only events, fundraising events, or corporate and trade events. Special events shall not include commercial events whose primary purpose is for the organizer to sell a product (i.e., boat or car show). There may be a charge for admission.
Applications must be completed and submitted in the manner required by the TDC. Special event grant applications shall be submitted to the TDC for review. Grant submission deadlines will be posted on the TDC webpage. Application will not be considered by the TDC unless the completed application is received at least 30 days prior to the TDC meeting at which it is to be considered. Applications may be posted on the TDC webpage and shall become public records upon submission. There are two grant application periods throughout the year to be considered by the TDC. To view the TDC meeting schedule for grant consideration dates and other related information click here.

Applicants must contact Laurie Kopstad Degon with Visit Jacksonville via email ( a minimum of 5 business days prior to application submission deadline to obtain the Event Impact Summary, Visit Jacksonville sales contact, and list of local suppliers. The Event Impact Summary must be submitted with the grant application. 

All grant funds must be used in accordance to Section 125.0104(5)(a), Florida Statutes. The special event must have one of its main purposes the attraction of tourists to Duval County. An applicant who fails to demonstrate this threshold requirement shall be ineligible to receive special event grant funding. The questions on the application shall be answered for the TDC to determine if the special event meets this threshold requirement. If the application answers demonstrate that one of the main purposes of the special event is the attraction of tourists and applicant meets one of the tiered requirements below then the grant will be considered. If awarded, funds will be paid to recipient upon proper submission of reimbursement documents. Documentation must be submitted to the TDC within 60 days of the special event.

A special event grant shall be limited to the following tiers. An entity desiring to apply for a grant exceeding requirements in category F may submit a proposal as a Major Investment Grant which will be evaluated by the TDC on applicant’s merit including but not limited to economic and tourism impact. If applicant’s special event does not meet hotel rooms actualized and tourists guarantees for categories B through F, award will be reimbursed at lower level at which these were met. If applicant’s special event does not meet hotel rooms actualized and tourists guarantees for category A, award will be reimbursed at a prorated amount if a minimum of 250 rooms are actualized. 
Category Hotel Rooms Actualized Tourists
Maximum Amount
A. 500 2000-3000 $30,000
B. 700 3001-4000 $40,000
C. 900 4001-5000 $50,000
D. 1100 5001-6000 $60,000
E. 1300 6001-7000 $70,000
F. 1400 7001 or Greater $80,000
The TDC special event grant application can be found below. Please open the PDF document and complete the form electronically. Answers are limited to the space provided on the application.

TDC Special Event Grant Application

The TDC special event grant application score sheet can be found below. This document is provided to applicants for informational purposes only.

TDC Special Event Grant Application Score Sheet

