City of Jacksonville

Jacksonville Small & Emerging Business

Our Mission, Vision & Program Goals

Our mission is to maximize procurement opportunities with City of Jacksonville registered certified Jacksonville Small and Emerging Businesses (JSEBs) as suppliers, prime contractors, and subcontractors of superior products and services to the citizenry of Duval County. We encourage the private sector and local government to aggressively engage with JSEB’s to develop productive business relationships leading to economic growth for the City.

The Program's Goals Are To:
  • Ensure compliance with Program requirements and city projects.
  • Promote economic development by offering technical and educational assistance.
  • Encourage cooperative communication amongst various local agencies.
  • Establish a strong JSEB support presence in the business community and with the surrounding financial institutions. 

JSEB Annual 20% Department Goal

The JSEB Team is working hard to serve you and accomplish our annual 20% Goal! We strive to ensure that 20% of the contracts that can be performed by JSEB businesses are awarded to JSEB businesses.

Supplier Portal

The City of Jacksonville has streamlined its administrative and financial processes. A key component of this improvement effort is the Supplier Portal. This portal will serve as your primary communication channel to the Procurement and General Accounting Divisions. The Portal uses software from Oracle Corporation through a secure Web-based application. For more information about the supplier portal, please visit the Supplier Portal page.

JSEB EBO ForumUpcoming Events

Fill out the form below to attend a JSEB EBO Forum.

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PLEASE NOTE: All events are 6:00-7:30 p.m.

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Complete el formulario a continuación para asistir al Foro Hispano de JSEB.

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Seleccioné la fecha en la que asistirá:

POR FAVOR NOTE: Todo los eventos son de 6:00-8:00 p.m.