City of Jacksonville


Commission Members

Dr. Janetta NormanDr. Janetta Norman is a community activist with a sincere interest and involvement in civic and community affairs for the betterment of Jacksonville and the entire country. She earned a doctorate degree in Administration and Supervision from Nova University, Ft. Lauderdale, with a master in Educational Leadership from UNF, a master in Education for Mentally and Physically Challenged Youth from the University of Florida, a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Edward Waters College, and a Certification of Education from Florida A & M. Dr. Norman's professional experience includes service as an adjunct supervisor of interns at the University of North Florida, principal at Palm Avenue Exceptional Education Center and Darnell-Cookman Counseling Center, assistant principal at S.A. Hull Elementary School, Specialist in the Exceptional Education Department for Duval County Schools, director of a tutoring program for disadvantaged youth for the YWCA and the City of Jacksonville as well as a teacher at Biltmore and Oakland Elementary Schools.

Dr. Norman was an organizer and founder of the committee for the Restoration and Preservation of the Ritz Theatre, served three times as chair, a member of the JCCI study group on dropouts, Urban Core Citizens Planning Action Committee chair, chair Jacksonville Community Relations Commission, member of the Citizens Oversight Commission for the new courthouse and a member of the TRUE Commission. Dr. Norman has received numerous community awards for her achievements. Janetta is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and the Phi Delta Kappa Fraternal organization. She is a widow with two children.