City of Jacksonville


Council President-Designate Daniel Davis Announces Jacksonville City Council Standing Committee Assignments for Council Year 2007-2008

June 18, 2007
Council President-Designate Daniel Davis today annouced the committee assignments for the Council Year 2007-2008. The committee structure for the upcoming year will consist of the following Standing Committees: Finance; Land Use and Zoning; Public Health and Safety; Rules; Transportation, Energy and Utilities; and Recreation and Community Development.

Jacksonville City Council Announces Public Access to the Council Rules On-Line

May 01, 2007
The Jacksonville City Council now maintains on-line access to the most current version of the Council Rules. Ordinance 2007-279-E was introduced by Council Member Lad Daniels at the request of the Director/Council Secretary Cheryl L. Brown and provides for the publishing of the Council Rules on the City Council website at
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