City of Jacksonville


Finance Chair Michael Corrigan Appoints Subcommittee on Performance and Audits

July 22, 2008
Jacksonville City Council Finance Committee Chairman Michael Corrigan (Council District 14) today announced the appointment of a subcommittee of the Finance Committee to study city government performance and to review audits and reports about City finances and operations produced by a variety of entities. The committee, which will be composed of Finance Committee members Jack Webb, Stephen Joost and Clay Yarborough, will oversee the City's ongoing development and implementation of performance measurement, benchmarking and management systems and indicators.

Council President Fussell Announces Committee to Tackle Jacksonville's Seaport and Airport Infrastructure Needs

July 22, 2008
Jacksonville City Council President Ronnie Fussell today announced the formation of a new special committee to assist the Jacksonville Port Authority and Jacksonville Aviation Authority. The committee will be charged with helping JAXPORT and the JAA find and secure the resources they need to accommodate the city's growing seaport business and the economic development opportunities at Cecil Field.
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