City of Jacksonville


City Council Task Force on Consolidated Government Presents Recommendations

October 14, 2014

Study represents first formal review of government structure since Consolidation 46 years ago

The Task Force on Consolidated Government presented its final report and recommendations to Council President Clay Yarborough today in City Council Chambers. The task force, formed by former City Council President Bill Gulliford and chaired by City Councilwoman Lori Boyer, undertook an in-depth review of the history, formation and operation of the consolidated government of Jacksonville including a full examination of all departments, divisions, boards, commissions and independent authorities. Additionally, the group studied the relationship between the Beaches and Baldwin and the Consolidated City of Jacksonville.

City Council Task Force on Consolidated Government to Present Recommendations

October 09, 2014

The Task Force on Consolidated Government will present its final report and recommendations on Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 10 a.m. in City Council Chambers.


Jacksonville To Gain At Least 500 Jobs As GE Oil & Gas Opens New Advanced Manufacturing Facility

September 26, 2014
New Facility Will Open At AllianceFlorida at Cecil Commerce Center in November

Calling it the city’s largest job creation project in more than six years, Mayor Alvin Brown announced today that GE Oil & Gas has selected Jacksonville as the location for a new advanced manufacturing facility.
GE Oil & Gas will create at least 500 permanent full-time jobs over the next three years at the manufacturing center, with an average salary of $48,850 after receiving overwhelming support by City Council and Mayor Brown. 
The 500,000-square-foot new facility, slated to open this November, will be located at AllianceFlorida at Cecil Commerce Center on Jacksonville’s Westside.  It will include an estimated minimum of $50 million in investments for manufacturing and IT equipment, as well as additional real estate improvements. Development of the site has been a priority of the City, as well as Hillwood Property Investments, the master developer of City-owned property at Cecil Commerce Center.

Jacksonville's Film and Television Industry Celebrates Achievements

September 11, 2014
Local industry professionals to be honored with awards

Mayor Alvin Brown will join members of the Mayor’s Advisory Board on Motion Pictures, Television and Commercial Production, the Jacksonville City Council, the Jacksonville Film & Television Office and industry leaders to celebrate 2014’s highlights in local film and digital media production at the 14th Annual Jacksonville Film Industry Reception.

City Council Approves New Public-Private Partnership to Enhance Hemming Plaza

August 29, 2014
Nonprofit Organization Will Manage Jacksonville’s Oldest Public Park

Saying it will help boost Downtown Jacksonville’s economic vitality and quality of life, Mayor Alvin Brown today expressed thanks to City Council for passing legislation that supports a new public-private partnership to transform and reinvigorate Hemming Plaza.

Friends of Hemming Park was given overwhelming approval to run the historic Hemming Plaza, located in the center of Downtown.  The group’s key priorities will include making the park safe and inviting, leading beautification projects, and organizing more community events.  Led by Dr. Wayne Wood, Friends of Hemming Park is composed of Jacksonville leaders with extensive experience in neighborhood revitalization, management and marketing. 

Mayor Welcomes New Ships, Announces Early Opening of Hanna Park

August 18, 2014
USS Iwo Jima and USS Fort McHenry Arrive at NS Mayport, Hanna Park to Open at 6 a.m.

Local leaders joined the United States Navy at Naval Station Mayport today to welcome the USS Iwo Jima and the USS Fort McHenry to their new homeport in Jacksonville. With the additional 1,300 sailors and marines arriving at the base, Mayor Alvin Brown announced that the gate to the adjacent Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park will now open an hour earlier to provide base access to military personnel and earlier entry for patrons to enjoy the park.

“We are honored to be the new homeport of the USS Iwo Jima and USS Fort McHenry,” said Mayor Brown. “We welcome the ship crew and their families as our new neighbors. Jacksonville plays a key role in supporting our nation’s security posture and the United States Navy is a vital part of our community. The arrival of these two impressive ships and mission capabilities highlights the renewed growth of the Navy’s presence in Jacksonville. As a convenience to military personnel and an added benefit to park lovers, we are taking this opportunity to expand access to Hanna Park.”

See more photos from the event at Mayport

Free Passage on the St. Johns River Ferry on Saturday, August 2, 2014 10 am to 6:00 pm - Asking for a donation of school supplies instead

July 29, 2014
In conjunction with the 3rd annual Historic Mayport Village Ferry Fest to be held this Saturday, August 2, 2014, the St. Johns River Ferry Commission voted to waive all fares for the St. Johns River Ferry between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm on the day of the event.  Instead of paying the normal fare, the St. Johns River Ferry Commission is asking riders for a donation of school supplies to fill 150 backpacks which will be given to area children for the upcoming school year.

Mayor Brown Invests in Jacksonville to Expand Opportunity

July 14, 2014
With revenues growing, budget includes new investments and no tax increase
Calling Jacksonville “a city of opportunity,” Mayor Alvin Brown today presented a Fiscal Year 2014-2015 balanced budget proposal that includes no increase in the tax rate and invests in job creation, public safety, Downtown revitalization and quality of life.
“This is a dynamic time for our city,” said Mayor Brown.  “Our unemployment rate is falling and our high school graduation rate is rising. Foreclosures are down and home values are up.  Our businesses are investing, our port is expanding and our college-educated population is growing.  Our Downtown is coming alive, our neighborhoods are getting rid of blight and our parks are being enjoyed by millions of visitors.”

2014-2015 Proposed Budget 2014-2015 Budget Fact Sheet | FY 2015-2019 Proposed Capital Improvement ProgramMayor's Full Remarks, July 14, 2014
The mayor said his budget will sustain and build Jacksonville’s momentum with strategic investments to expand opportunity and achieve a more prosperous future for the city.

City Council Officer Installation Ceremony

June 27, 2014
The Jacksonville City Council will meet in the Council Chambers today at 4 p.m. for the installation of the Honorable Clay E. Yarborough, as the 2014-2015 Council President, and the Honorable Gregory B. Anderson, as the 2014-2015 Council Vice President.  In accordance with Council Rules, the positions will become effective July 1, 2014.

Click here to watch video of this event.

Mayor Brown Announces Hemming Plaza Enhancement Agreement

June 18, 2014
Mayor Alvin Brown today joined representatives from the Downtown Investment Authority, City Council and Friends of Hemming Park to announce that an agreement has been reached to manage Hemming Plaza.

“This public-private partnership to reimagine and revitalize Hemming Plaza is great news not only for Downtown,” said Mayor Brown. “It’s also great news for our entire city and for everyone who visits Jacksonville.”

The City Council Hemming Plaza committee, chaired by Council Member Denise Lee, played a key role in assisting efforts to enhance programming at the park. Mayor Brown applauded the group’s leadership in making sure that Hemming Plaza becomes all that it can be.
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