City of Jacksonville


Contact the Mayor's Office


Mailing Addressmayor's senior staff

Mayor's Office
City Hall at St. James Building
117 W. Duval St.  Suite 400
Jacksonville, FL  32202


(904) 255-5000


Sign up for the Mayor's Email list

Scheduling Requests

Letter and Proclamation Requests

Media Inquiries

Please direct all media inquiries for the Mayor's Office to

Submit a Request for City Service

Requests for City Services can be submitted online, 24 hours a day at Citizens can also email, or call the customer service center at (904) 630-CITY (2489).

 MyJax Logo

View Mayor's Office Email

The mayor and mayor’s staff emails are now accessible through a downloadable PDF. Click here to access Mayor's Office email. Expand the “Public Folder: Mayor” dropdown and select the desired inbox for review.

Please note: The link above provides read-only access to incoming email received by the Mayor’s Office. Requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer.